Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday Morning Shoot With Claudia and Nikki

Yesterday, I had the privilege to work with both Claudia Snow and Nikk Noir

I'm no stranger to working with Nikk...She does absolutely AMAZING work and comes up with fantastic ideas last minute, when my brain ceases to function (she pinned up a sheet I had bought from Walmart to look like a freaking SWEET bustled robe, not to mention that fantastic makeup thing she does).

Claudia was absolutely hilarious. Our correspondence back and forths never involved talking on the phone (I fucking HATE phones- emails and texts are my preferred choice of communication, solely because I have self-proclaimed telephone retardation), therefore, I had NO clue she had moved here from Germany only 3 years ago. So, my point is, she had one of the most amazing accents I've ever heard.

Here's some photos from the shoot:

Despised Icon- Last MA Show Footage

Oddly enough, I didn't take a SINGLE photo of this show. I felt in my heart that I needed to video tape this- and let's face it: I have quite a few photos of Despised Icon that I've taken over the years, and the show was so crazy that photos wouldn't do it justice.

The show was bitter sweet. Great to see them play, but INCREDIBLY sad knowing this was the last time we'd all be seeing them. They've ALWAYS been a bunch of amazing dudes. From interviews to photos, they've always been incredibly gracious to us and others.

I wish nothing but the best for all of them in their future endeavors.

Here's some videos of the show from The Waterfront in MA: